Book project with Bardella: journalist Achilli dismissed for serious misconduct

Media.  Book project with Bardella: journalist Achilli dismissed for serious misconduct

Political journalist Jean-François Achilli has been fired for serious misconduct by Radio France after being accused of taking part in writing the autobiography of RN President Jordan Bardella, which he disputes, he said on Monday from an internal source, confirming information from Point.

Jean-François Achilli was suspended as a precaution by franceinfo on March 14, the day after the article in World imply him.

Fired for “repeated breach of ethical obligations”

The journalist is being “dismissed due to repeated breaches of ethical obligations regarding external cooperation” at Radio France, an internal source at the public group said.

The journalist denied any collaboration with Jordan Bardella and in March condemned the “brutality” of the “unauthorized measure”. He assured that he had “not violated any professional or ethical rules”.

The journalist denies any cooperation

“I have spoken to Jordan Bardella as I have spoken to all political leaders over the last 25 years. We spoke at his request about what his expression might be for the interview book. I rejected the project,” said Jean-François Achilli.

According to World, the editors “nevertheless worked in the shadows, providing Bardell with their memories, allowing the beginning of the text to see the light of day”. However, the head of the RN list in the June European Parliament elections assured the newspaper that “only (his) close entourage is helping him write this book for proofreading”.

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