This French city is the most accessible on foot, an ideal destination for car-free tourism

Everyone plans their vacation in their own way. While some prefer a car for their travels, others want to get rid of it and prefer to choose the basic means of transport: walking. That’s good, the French city seems perfect for these adventurers.

Paris, the capital city to explore in nature

British price comparator Compare the Market AU published a study comparing a number of cities based on various criteria. He was particularly interested walking trails, public transport and cycling, then travel safety. European cities are represented in the overwhelming majority and France managed to establish itself in this ranking.

Paris it is actually ranked 5th and represents the only French city. The extent of its forest roads and cycle paths is difficult to compete with. Bikes have a course of approximately 972,734 km and nature lovers adventurers 300 km of tracks around Fontainebleau. Not to mention the labyrinthine map of the city’s metro, which allows you to reach all corners of the capital in less than an hour.

Top 10 most walkable cities

Apart from the charm of Paris, the city of lights and its availability for vacationers looking for adventure and busy pedometers, there are other cities that are very interesting to explore. Start Munichat the head of the ranking, which has almost 1.4 million km of cycle paths.

Tokyo, ranked 6th, makes the difference in this ranking by being the only non-European city praised for its accessibility. The city is really easily tamed by the subway and bike rentals.

Here is the complete ranking of the most affordable cities in this study:

    • Munich


    • Milan


    • Warsaw


    • Helsinki


    • Paris


    • Tokyo


    • Madrid


    • Oslo


    • Copenhagen


    • Amsterdam



in 10th place and famous for the impressive amount of bikes that ride there, it suffers from a lack of safety on its bike lanes, which is why it finds itself in last place.

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