Transportation. The A13 motorway will gradually reopen from 11 May

The section of the A13 motorway between the Paris ring road and the A86, closed since April 18, will gradually reopen from Saturday May 11 “in the direction of the province-Paris”, the Hauts de-Seine prefecture announced on Monday.

“The reopening of the A13 motorway in the direction of Province-Paris will be possible from next Saturday, May 11, only for light vehicles, provided that all safety conditions are met,” the prefecture said in a press release.

Movement from below at the beginning

“Today’s analyzes show that the cause of this soil movement is, according to the most likely hypothesis, work carried out outside the construction at a nearby construction site,” she added.

The Hauts-de-Seine prefecture announced the closure of this busy stretch of highway west of Paris on the evening of April 18 for safety reasons following “earthquakes”.

“During the planned closure of the motorway for works, a transverse crack was observed on the A13 in the Saint-Cloud sector,” it said.

The A13 motorway connects Paris to Caen in Normandy via the south of Rouen. It is mainly used by Parisians who want to go to the Normandy coast.

The direction of Paris-Province influenced more

“However, heavier repairs are necessary in the Paris-Province direction,” the prefecture said, adding that “solutions are being studied” and that “the reopening schedule will be specified later.”

The A13 motorway between Paris and Orgeval (Yvelines) is managed by the French state represented by the Île-de-France Roads Department (Dirif).

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