Why it matters Decentralization: what the Woerth report could contain

Why it matters.  Decentralization: what the Woerth report could contain

Renaissance MP for Oise Eric Woerth (Minister of the Budget and then Minister of Labor in the first two governments of François Fillon between 2007 and 2010) was entrusted by Emmanuel Macron with a mission on the subject of decentralization. He must present his report to the President this Friday, May 3. “It won’t be a big shake-up,” said an already elected official.

The Renaissance deputy ruled out any “redistribution” of regions, as well as the abolition of departments or the establishment of a new tax. Obviously, this is not a great revolution that is coming.

“We will not eliminate any layer of local government,” Nicolas Sarkozy’s former minister urged MPs last March. “It’s very difficult to remove a layer” and “it’s definitely not necessary,” insisted Eric Woerth, “we just need them to work well and work together. »

Cases from Alsace

However, Alsace, looking to leave the Grand Est region, could acquire additional skills. During a trip to Strasbourg on April 26, Emmanuel Macron reiterated in our columns his opposition to the resurrection of the Alsace region outside the Grand Est, while also proposing to reopen “the issue of certain skills transfers”.

The President of the Republic believes that during his first mandate he “fully recognized the Alsatian question”: “We have innovated together since we created this European Community of Alsace (CEA), the merger of the councils of the Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin departments from 2021,” he added during a meeting with young Europeans.

“I think we need to reopen the issue of certain skill transfers, skill delegation, but we shouldn’t play big institutional games,” the president further indicated.

...and the metropolis of Lyon

Things could also be developing on Lyon’s side, the paper understands. World. Metropole Lyon is a community with a special status, which was created in place of the urban community of Lyon and the Rhône department, which it replaces in the territory of the metropolis from 1.ahem January 2015.

Return of the Territorial Advisor

Part of the proposals of the Woerth report could be the status of a regional councilor, who would be elected by François Hollande and who would combine the mandates of union and regional councilors. Highly sensitive subject.

While Eric Woerth considers this option viable “technically, electorally and legally”, François Sauvadet, president of the departments of France, does not view the measure favorably as he believes it would mean the demise of the department.

Each community focuses on its mission

Eric Woerth’s report could also recommend devolving regulatory powers to local authorities within their remit. According to the representative of the community, “they have to do what they have to do and nothing more”. What about the role of prefect? Will she be strengthened? What about community funding? RSVP this Friday.

People around the President of the Republic explain that this report must serve as a basis for broad discussions, and the received recommendations could be implemented according to different “vectors”, regulatory texts, traditional or constitutional laws.

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