69-year-old ‘Aunt Danielle’ who harassed her neighbor has been ordered to move out

Photo d’illustration.

  It’s the poison of everyday life. Since the health crisis, more than ever, neighborhood squabbles are polluting the daily lives of many neighbors. Not so long ago, the real estate agency Le Figaro reported on the suffering of this tenant from Valence (Drôme), who allegedly spent two years without a full night’s sleep due … Read more

Indre-et-Loire: public survey of the Da Vinci Labs project brings a favorable opinion

Indre-et-Loire: public survey of the Da Vinci Labs project brings a favorable opinion

After almost two years of discussion, which was both professional and ideological, the conclusions were published on April 30, 2024 on the Reugny website. At the end of the public survey of the change of the spatial plan for the installation of the Da Vinci laboratories in Reugny, the investigating commissioner Jean-Pierre Viroulaud issued a … Read more

Near Thouars: globetrotters bring the Adillons leisure center to life

Near Thouars: globetrotters bring the Adillons leisure center to life

 he holds the keys to paradise. Jérôme Regazzacci and Caroline Trapet were commissioned by the Thouarsais community to manage the campsite at the Adillons Recreation Center in Luché-Thouarsais during the tourist season. Although their smile is welcoming, it betrays nothing of the wealth of experience they bring. He is one of those who gave up … Read more

He founds the first Catholic real estate agency

Vue de la vitrine fraîchement installée de l’agence.

She’s already lived several lives and doesn’t look like she’s going to stop anytime soon. After starting out as an actress, Lila Salet turned to reality almost 10 years ago and has been proclaiming her passion for the real estate profession ever since. After working on her own and then launching Green Partners, a network … Read more

In Indre-et-Loire, the strawberry market “doesn’t yield as much as it used to”

In Indre-et-Loire, the strawberry market "doesn't yield as much as it used to"

Anaïs strawberries, known for their incomparable taste qualities, are the delight of the greatest Parisian chefs. Without forgetting Gariguette, Ciflorette, Mara des bois or Charlotte, aimed at the general public in about twenty markets on the axis between Tours and Angers and in mass distribution. In high season, SAS Pulice in Chouzé-sur-Loire harvests seven to … Read more

Chambord Flea Market: the hunt for a rare item

Chambord Flea Market: the hunt for a rare item

It’s still dark. By the single light of an electric lamp, the first collectors move around the vast Chambord estate, which welcomes Wednesday 1.ahem May 2024 traditional flea market. Within a few years, it became one of the most important in France, with almost 500 exhibitors gathered around the famous  François 1. A night in … Read more