Prosocour, an interactive exploration of the court of Versailles

Prosocour, an interactive exploration of the court of Versailles

Jean-Baptiste Colbert was general administrator of finances under Louis XIV. from September 1661 to September 1683. But who was there before him? And after? Colbert was also custodian of the royal buildings and “captain of the hunts of the captain of the election of Tonnerre, Joigny and Saint-Florentin and the county of Auxerre”. He had … Read more

Hypertension: more than 650,000 cases linked to alcohol consumption exceeding recommended limits

Hypertension: more than 650,000 cases linked to alcohol consumption exceeding recommended limits

About 624,000 men and 31,000 women are affected, according to a study published Tuesday by Public Health France. Their alcohol consumption exceeds 10 drinks per week. More than 650,000 adults in mainland France, mainly men, suffer from high blood pressure due to alcohol consumption exceeding an average of 10 drinks per week, according to a … Read more

Robots trained by Google to play soccer well


These two soccer players run, walk, go around opponents, fall, get up, shoot and score goals. Nothing very original, except that they are 51 cm tall and 3.5 kg mini-robots from Robotis, equipped with 20 joints and perfectly autonomous. The machines were trained to play soccer by a team at Google Deepmind using a machine … Read more

Artificial intelligence, quanta, the Internet of Things… the great challenges of Africa of the future

Artificial intelligence: news, information and videos

“Very surprised!” Rémi Quirion, Science Leader of Quebec and President International Network for Government Scientific Advisory (INGSA) (read box), admits the surprise he felt a few years ago, during his first meeting with Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda, when the latter told him “you want to build expertise in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of … Read more

Creepy: AIs are more convincing than humans

Creepy: AIs are more convincing than humans

This is the kind of subject that fuels academic debate competitions in the United States: “can online learning replace face-to-face learning with equal effectiveness?”, “does social media make people stupid?”, “should the United States provide military aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia ?” Participants have four minutes to present their position, three minutes … Read more

Astronaut Sophie Adenot receives her diploma, the next step towards hoping for a ticket to space

Astronaut Sophie Adenot receives her diploma, the next step towards hoping for a ticket to space

The engineer received her astronaut qualification from the European Space Agency after basic training in Cologne, Germany. A little closer to the stars. French astronaut Sophie Adenot received her diploma from the ESA Class of 2022 this Monday, April 22 at the European Astronaut Center in Cologne, Germany to applause Sophie Adenot was also awarded … Read more

Will Europe be able to produce new vehicles that do not emit greenhouse gases from 2035?

Voiture électrique

According to a report by the European Court of Auditors  the European Union’s target of zero greenhouse gas emissions for new cars from 2035 will be difficult to achieve because three necessary conditions are not met. “Most of the current thermal cars still emit the same amount of CO2 12 years ago” The first hurdle: … Read more

Bone of prehistoric sea titan found by father and daughter in England

Bone of prehistoric sea titan found by father and daughter in England

Justin and Ruby Reynolds, a British father and daughter, discovered the fossilized remains of what could be the largest known marine reptile in May 2020. A beautiful family story. Justin and Ruby Reynolds, a father and daughter living in Braunton, England, discovered the fossilized remains of a prehistoric marine reptile. In May 2020, a piece … Read more