Is drinking tap or bottled water better for your health?

Health.  Is drinking tap or bottled water better for your health?

Is bottled water better than tap water? Mineral waters and spring waters, which are considered clean, must not be subject to disinfection treatment.

However, last January, an investigation by france info and Le Monde pointed to the contamination of some mineral waters and the use of illegal purification procedures.

Again last week, where the same teams revealed that “ in a note from the National Agency for Food Safety (ANSES), sent to the government last October, experts talk about the insufficient level of confidence to ensure hygienic quality of finished water products of the Nestlé group (Perrier, Contrex, Vittel, Hépar, etc.) “.

Warning already…

This is not the first time that health questions regarding bottled water have arisen. In 2022, a study by the association Agir pour l’ Environment revealed that eight out of ten bottles of water sold would be contaminated with microplastics.

Another black point, at a time of ecological transformation, it is important to note the impact of bottles on the environment, through the production of plastic waste, but also through the energy consumed in its distribution.

Tap water: the most controlled food product

Some people still view tap water with suspicion. However, as stated by ANSES, “ tap water is the most controlled food product (…) This water mainly comes from underground or surface water basins (rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs). Most of the water taken is treated so that it permanently respects the limits or quality references of roughly sixty parameters – microbiological, physical-chemical, radiological and organoleptic – set by the Public Health Code. “.

And contrary to popular belief, “ tap water contains mineral salts and trace elements », determined by the Information Center on Water.

Of course, managers must add chlorine to disinfect and kill bacteria in the water, which can affect the taste.

To remove the smell or taste of chlorine in your tap water, you can aerate the water by letting it sit for 30 minutes before drinking.

Last point: due to the absence of plastic materials and transport, the “faucet” option is supposed to be more ecological… and economical.

Note: Anyone who wants to know the exact composition of the water flowing from their tap can request it from their town hall.

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