This iconic telecrochet from the 2000s is making a comeback (and we’ve got the scoop)!

Ce télécrochet iconique des années 2000 fait son grand retour ( et on a des infos )!

After Star Academy here’s the unexpected return of a show we thought was relegated to oblivion of fame 2000: Popstars ! Yes, the iconic single crochet that has seen the birth of many musical careers is making a comeback Prime Video ! The platform with its big smile is already giving us some information about the year 2024 for this new edition. Popstars are not going to catch up and pull out all the stops! A jury of the greatest artists of the French music scene will meet to find the stars of tomorrow. Who knows ? Maybe they will reveal the new L5 to us ?…

Popstars returns: sharp and hopeful jury

Rather, we are tempted by jury selection. We have to admit it! The production made a bold, eclectic and interesting choice that sets the tone. Honor to the ladies: Louane will be the female touch of the jury. A singer, musician, award-winning actress who rose to fame at a very young age, she can probably lead future pop stars with an iron fist in a velvet glove.

To support Louan, we have Alonzo, rapper, author, songwriter and performer, who started his career with the legendary group Dogs 4 from Rome. But also Eddy de Pretto, a committed author, composer and performer with a thriving career. All 3 will be of great help to the candidates. They will do anything to skim the cream, coaching candidates and offering them the chance to record their first titles. We can’t wait to see what it brings.

Looking for a band that rocks

Pop stars is back and doesn’t deny these basics at all. So while we especially remember certain solo careers born on the show, it’s really a panel that the jury will make ! Throughout the adventure, candidates will sing, dance, evolve as a community discovering the behind-the-scenes of a profession they never thought they would pursue.

However, Pop stars don’t forget that occupation codes have changed a lot in recent years. That’s why the show promises to be deeply in tune with the times. It will be in the sign discovering all talents without barriers or prejudices and especially open. Trios, quartets, unisex or mixed… No number or gender target. It will be dictated by talents, their alchemy and personalities final group selection.

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