Real estate work. Our four tips for buying a heat strainer

Real estate work.  Our four tips for buying a heat strainer

Do you want to buy a thermal strainer? If you’re on a tight budget, this can be a good investment to help you become a homeowner.

Housing diagnosed with F or G energy performance (DPE) has seen a significant drop in value in the last two years due to their misclassification.

The ability to negotiate prices is more important for these properties that require work and are gradually prohibited from being rented unless they are renovated.

However, it is important to consider the cost, duration and complexity of the work to be done. The bottom line with GoFlint, a real estate advertising platform reserved for professionals.

1. Decipher the DPE from reading the real estate ad

The first step to spotting a good deal is deciphering the property’s DPE. “ Energy-intensive housing of classification F or G can, after specific works (insulation, installation of VMC, replacement of windows, etc.) enable significant added value to be achieved. says GoFlint.

DPE is calculated per habitable area (known as ‘SHAB’, anything that is enclosed and covered and more than 1.80 meters in height), “In large cities, it may be appropriate to encourage the purchase of a large area,” adds the platform, “because these properties are subject to a greater discount and labor is cheaper for large areas. »

If we reduce the price of the work per m², the reconstruction of the studio is really more expensive.

2. Evaluate the work and its feasibility

You must ensure that the energy performance as stated in the DPE energy class can be improved by working in private spaces.

“These improvements are not always possible in shared ownership properties and some energy renovation work requires consent from the co-owners, which can be a barrier to your renovation.” underlines GoFlint.

In addition, the very configuration of some apartments can make it impossible to work, which leads, for example, to the loss of surface area associated with too much insulation.

Check the minutes of the last general meeting (AGM) of the co-ownership, the list of works carried out or works to come to the building, for example whether a global technical diagnosis (DTG) has been carried out. taken away.

“Work voted on within the condominium, particularly in relation to external insulation, can enable you to benefit from optimum insulation and improve your property.” note the platform.

3. Check the heating mode

The way the property is heated is particularly important if you want to invest in a heat screen.

In a building, a heating system, for example, common oil heating, can significantly worsen the DPE rating and become a drag on the accommodation rating.

“Properties that benefit from the best energy classes are generally equipped with heat pumps (pac), which only allow energy savings in combination with very well insulated housing”, informs GoFlint.

4. Get support from approved professionals

It is possible to be accompanied by a professional or ask for the advice of a real estate agent. “The latter works with diagnosticians who can perform projected DPEs”, says GoFlint. It is also advisable to be accompanied by an RGE certified craftsman (Recognized Environmental Guarantor) to ensure a more accurate and safer quote. »

Ask for help with energy renovation, such as MaPrimeRénov’.

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