Evicting a tenant during the Olympics: why is it risky?

According to the Paris Housing Information Agency (Adil 75), between September 2023 and March 2024, a significant increase in the number of illegal permits issued by landlords is observed (28% compared to 18% in 2022).

In particular, the approach of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the significant profits expected from the short-term rental of accommodation usually rented furnished as a main residence.

The consequences for landlords can be significant if things are not done according to the rules.

Significant financial gain

In the 18th centuryE in the Paris arrondissement, a furnished apartment rented for €1,400 a month as a main residence can find a buyer for around €250 a night during the Olympic period, a profit of €3,250 in just a few weeks, estimates Monsuperlocataire.fr, a platform based on “a tool for “property matching” between landlords and renters.

Penalty in case of fraudulent leave

The notice given by the tenant can only be given at the end of the lease (after three or six years) in the three specific cases set out in Article 15 (for a bare lease) or 25-8 (for a furnished lease) of the law. of 6 July 1989:

  • If the landlord wishes to sell the accommodation. In a bare lease, the tenant has a right of first refusal (and allows them to buy it).
  • If the landlord wishes to occupy it himself. This must be as a primary residence or to house a family member.
  • If he can justify a legitimate and serious reason, such as non-fulfillment of obligations by the tenant.

“A fraudulent holiday is void and the landlord can be fined up to a maximum of €6,000 (€15,000 for a legal entity such as a property company)”suggests Laurent Dubois, founder of Monsuperlocataire.fr.

Highly guarded seasonal rental in Paris

The rental of seasonal furnished accommodation in Paris and the inner suburbs of a property which is your main residence – whether you are an owner or a tenant – is permitted without formalities for a maximum of 120 days per year.

“But beware, if you are a landlord and want to rent seasonal furnished accommodation, you will need to apply to the town hall for a change of use, as furnished tourist accommodation is no longer considered accommodation.” notes Laurent Dubois.

In some cities that wish to control Airbnb-type accommodation and maintain a balance between residential stock and tourist accommodation, this permission may be accompanied by compensation (consisting of conversion to non-residential accommodation).

“That’s the case with Paris,” clarifies. “Failure to comply with this obligation is punishable by a fine of up to 50,000 euros. Restoration of the accommodation and a fine of EUR 1,000 per day per m² can also be ordered. »

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