Lily of the valley for luck: a dangerous flower for your children?

Every May 1st is an occasion to offer a sprig of lily of the valley to bring good luck to the recipient. However, thrush is not without its dangers.

In fact, all parts of lily of the valley contain irritating and toxic substances: saponosides, responsible for digestive disorders, and cardiotoxic glycosides, which affect the heart muscle and blood circulation.

Possible indigestion…

And as for all parts from the stem to the bells through the leaves, the same is true of the water in which the lily of the valley has been lingering.

Poisoning is thus possible when the absorbed amounts are large. Cases of poisoning concern adults only exceptionally, if at all. But rather small children.

In case of poisoning, digestive problems may occur (mouth irritation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).

But also heart problems

Then heart problems can occur with slowing of the heart and rhythm disturbances. Fortunately, cases of poisoning are observed only exceptionally.

Accidental ingestion is generally without consequences because the amounts ingested are too small.

It is better to prevent

However, be aware that ingesting lily of the valley can sometimes be serious. To avoid any risk, teach children that although the plant is pretty, it is poisonous.

Place the vases high, do not let the water contaminated by the bouquet lie on the table, especially if the vase is a glass of water. In case of ingestion, seek advice from a poison center.

Animals too

Thrush can also be toxic to animals, especially cats. But also dogs, rabbits and birds.

Young or very old pets are more likely to show severe symptoms ยป, warns the Western Animal and Environmental Poison Control Center (Nantes). ” Difficulties begin between 15 minutes and 6 hours after ingestion, repeated vomiting, associated with salivation. Diarrhea, sometimes hemorrhagic, accompanied by abdominal pain may also be present. In the hours following digestive symptoms, nervous disorders may appear: convulsions, uncoordinated movements, tremors. At the end of its development, the animal remains lying on its side.

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