Why it matters. More than 2 billion euros in road fines in 2023, a record

Why it matters.  More than 2 billion euros in road fines in 2023, a record

Traffic fines have never been so profitable. This is what we learn in the report of the Court of Auditors, reports the specialized site Caradisiac.

revenues of 2 billion euros

An increase of 7% compared to 2022, in 2023 fines revenues exceeded 2 billion euros. This is a new record. In 2017, sales came close to this symbolic bar, which until now represented a record.

In recent years, yields have been at half-mast due to several factors. First, many radars were destroyed after the introduction of a speed reduction to 80 km/h on state roads and when moving yellow vests.

In the following years, car transport was largely disrupted by the covid-19 pandemic with travel restrictions, especially during the lockdown period.

More and more radars

The report states that fixed fines, i.e. those paid on time, amounted to 747 million euros. This is again the largest amount since 2017, when a record of 825 million euros was set. With the addition of increased fines – paid after the deadline – the total revenue should exceed one billion euros, the same as in 2017.

Apart from the resumption of “normal” car traffic after the pandemic, these high yields can be explained mainly by the increasing number of radars.

“The fleet reached 4,661 devices at the end of 2023, compared to 4,530 in 2022. This is the largest volume of automatic radars deployed since the creation of automated control,” the Court of Auditors reports.

…but also more vandalism

The report states that the radar fleet has evolved significantly over the past year. By far the most numerous are tower radars (1333), followed by fixed radars (724) and red light radars (527). Mobile radars (501) and distinguishing radars (500), which distinguish different types of vehicles – then the list is completed by construction site radars (444). These were significantly expanded by 104 new radars in 2023.

The increase in income can also be explained by affordability, notes Caradisiac. In 2023, 91% of the radars were operational, compared to 87% in 2022 and 2021, and even 68% in March 2019 after the mobilization of the yellow vests.

However, this number should not obscure the increase in anti-radar vandalism. According to the Court of Auditors, the cost of repairs is 19.6 million euros, an increase of 3.2 million euros.

Towards a decline in income?

The Court of Auditors also plans the development of these revenues. Because these might as well go down. ” Factors associated with climate change and related policies could lead to reduced use of road vehicles,” the report said.

Municipalities refer to the establishment of low-emission zones (ZFE), which could mechanically limit car traffic in the capitals of France. The Court of Auditors also noted a decrease in the average speed in France and less use of their car. While the French drove an average of 14,000 km in 1995, in 2022 this number dropped to 10,830 km.

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