Kitchen – practical. Avoid these mistakes when cleaning the kitchen

Abrasives for delicate surfaces

Stainless steel, marble or granite surfaces can be damaged by the use of abrasives or wire brushes.

Instead, opt for gentle, non-abrasive cleaners specifically formulated for these types of surfaces.

Household appliances

Household appliances such as the fridge, oven and dishwasher also require regular cleaning to remove food residue, stains and odours.

Be sure to clean the seals, handles and exterior surfaces of these appliances.

Water and wood

Wooden surfaces such as worktops and cutting boards can be damaged by excess water.

After cleaning, wipe them immediately and do not let them soak in water for a long time.

Mixing chemicals

Mixing different cleaning chemicals can be dangerous and can create toxic fumes. For example, avoid mixing vinegar and bleach because chlorine gas, a toxic gas, can be released.

Clean the sponges and rags

Sponges and kitchen rags can become a breeding ground for bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

Wash them with hot water and soap after each use or change them frequently to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Clean under appliances

Kitchen appliances such as the refrigerator and stove can accumulate dirt and grime underneath. Move them regularly to clean hidden areas and prevent dirt build-up.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can keep your kitchen surfaces clean, hygienic and in good condition.

Regular and proper cleaning not only helps maintain the appearance of your kitchen, but also ensures a safe cooking environment for you and your family.

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