Policy. Mobilization at Sciences Po: Bellamy calls for an end to public funding


The leader of Les Républicains (LR) candidates in the European elections, François-Xavier Bellamy, asked the government on Sunday to consider stopping public subsidies to Paris’ Sciences Po, the scene of Friday’s blockade by pro-Palestinian students. by agreement with the establishment’s management.

Interview at Grand Rendez-vous CNews, Europe 1, Echoeshe estimated that the government should “stop public funding of Sciences Po because we cannot fund a school that has become a place of entryism, a mixture of leftism and Islamism that legitimizes anti-Semitic remarks and acts of violence”.

“Shameful” deal between management and protesters

François-Xavier Bellamy also criticized Higher Education Minister Sylvie Retailleau for supporting a “deal of shame” between Sciences Po management and pro-Palestinian protesters.

On Friday, these protesters, supported by MPs from France Insoumise (LFI), blocked and partially occupied the business, a melting pot for the French elite.

But the situation calmed down only in the evening, when the management announced the suspension of disciplinary proceedings and the organization of an internal debate next week.

Bellamy pleases for “fortress”

François-Xavier Bellamy, polled at around 8% in the June 9 European elections, has called for “strength” against these university blockades, which reflect a large-scale movement in the United States to “avoid the contagion”.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal confirmed on Saturday that “there will never be a right to block, there will never be tolerance for the action of an active and dangerous minority that tries to impose its rules on our students and our teachers”.

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