The Mervans. The fight against cancer: cycling hundreds of kilometers to raise funds

The Mervans.  The fight against cancer: cycling hundreds of kilometers to raise funds

Ultra bike France will be held on May 4th and 5th. The departure will take place on May 4 at 8 a.m. at the Cousance gymnasium and the arrival will be at the same place. This event, initiated by Nicolas Sirugue himself and co-organised with the Ultra bike France (UBF) association, is primarily a sporting competition, “a way to bring people closer to the practice of ultra-long road cycling”, but also and above all a way to support a cause that is close to his heart: to fight cancer and bring a moment of relaxation in these complicated moments that he has to go through. “I dream of a hundred runners joining us! »

Funds to support people affected by cancer

This initiative is a shining example of how the sport and passion for cycling can be harmoniously linked to a greater cause, creating a pathway between physical health, mental well-being and care. Working with Oncodoubs, Nicolas hopes to raise funds to support people affected by cancer, help them cope with treatment and combat their anxiety through tailored wellbeing care.

It aims for: 10 euros per kilometer traveled and relies on the generosity of participants and spectators to make every step on the pedal a gesture of solidarity. “The purpose of the prize pool is to really develop the supportive care offered by the association to improve the quality of life of people with cancer. »

The route, a genuine creation of Nicolas Sirugue, promises to be challenging and cross the Jura landscape. Participants will have to demonstrate autonomy during the race, “taking into account the management of diet, sleep, physical and mental exertion”. Each competitor must follow a designated route, which the organizer will ensure with the help of GPS beacons on each lap.

Goal: 300 km in less than 14 hours

Nicolas hopes that his initiative will encourage other participants to join him in supporting the cause, either by registering for the race or making a financial contribution. He himself, a fan of the discipline, with several 1000 km races under his belt, will set out on 300 km of this Jura Ultra bike. “I will only do 300km for this event to allow time and planning. I will try to make them in less than 14 hours,” he smiles.

Around fifty registrations have already been confirmed and the excitement around the event continues to grow. “You can still register until Friday afternoon by contacting the organization directly,” he clarifies.

Beyond the competitive aspect, Ultra bike France presents itself as a unifying event that unites individuals around a common goal: to advance research and support in the fight against cancer. Nicolas and the participants embody this spirit of fighting and hope, making every pedal stroke a step towards a kinder future for patients undergoing treatment.

Ultra bike France is an association created by cycling enthusiasts. It originates from Toulouse and is spread throughout France to promote the passion for cycling and long distances. With Nicolas Sirugue at the helm, it is poised to impact and change the lives of many. People who cannot attend the event can donate through the Leetchi collection. To register for the race, go to the website

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