Vienna: a shared home for the elderly weaves its web in Villiers

Vienna: a shared home for the elderly weaves its web in Villiers

Halfway through construction, the building is airless and waterless, and the spaces begin to take shape. Catie and Florence Bertoux are already planning an inauguration for the end of the year after a very official opening in October 2024.

The two sisters, enthusiastic and accomplices, will realize their project of a “shared house for the elderly”, which they have been implementing for almost two years. “The health crisis and subsequent incarcerations have highlighted the isolation and difficulties that seniors can face. they give details in two voices. We especially noticed this with our 88-year-old mother. Faced with an aging population, problems of loneliness or problems related to daily tasks or even house maintenance, there is no real alternative between staying at home and entering a nursing home. »

An observation that pushes both women to start another model structure. “Admission of ten seniors regardless of age in the form of shared accommodation for sharing, mutual help and hospitality in a calm and soothing environment. » In less than 18 months, they improved their project, went to Bordeaux to visit similar economic models, created a business plan, bought a plot of land in Villiers and started construction of their future “shared house” that they designed (1). tenants who will pamper themselves. “Building 500 m2 it will contain eight separate rooms of 25 m2one of the 32 m2 for a couple (2) and also common areas including an open kitchen, living room, dining room, library, games room and a large veranda 40 m2. A room for people with reduced mobility (PRM) will also be dedicated to external speakers. »

“To make you feel at home”

But the improvements don’t end there. Both sisters want the comfort of “their” seniors to be a priority. Over 5000 m2 The land will also have a large garden with a permaculture vegetable garden, a chicken coop, a bowling alley, a parking lot (3) and two 26 m ecologies.2 intended for visiting families, for one-time income or for emergency accommodation. “Our tenants will have to benefit from this. We offer them an “all inclusive” package, rent, food, cleaning, laundry, security and entertainment for €2,000 per month. They will of course be able to participate in the activities as they wish. »

Catie and Florence are giving themselves the means to bring this project to life, which they are fully financing with an amount of around 850,000 euros. The former, a psychotherapist for 25 years, will soon close her practice in Neuville-de-Poitou, while the latter left in January a position she held for thirty years at NRCom, an advertising agency for New Republic. “We complement each other very much, so we will divide the tasks. » And for even more proximity and security, Florence even bought a piece of land adjacent to the building to build her future home. “In terms of presence, we envisioned doing everything together for at least the first eight months. We want to build relationships with and between our tenants. That’s why we named the structure Arentelles, which means cobwebs in the dialect. The goal is to feel at home there. »

Les Arentelles, 17, rue de Lonsecq in Villiers, opening October 2024. Contact: [email protected] More information at

(1) 78 photovoltaic panels will be installed for self-consumption and two 10,000 liter rainwater collectors designed to supply toilets.

(2) Furnished or unfurnished.

(3) For insurance reasons, Catie and Florence will not transport renters.

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