A rent-paying couple has been evicted for failing to maintain their home

Image d’illustration.

It’s a very strange and sad story that just happened in the small town of Virey in La Manche. Just a few days after the end of the winter break, a couple joined the record number of households evicted in recent months after having to leave the modest house they had been renting since May 2014. In this particular case, the eviction was not motivated by the smallest rent arrears from a 73-year-old pensioner, 80% invalid, and his partner, a doctor in the neighboring nursing home, always paid rent of 520 euros per month. However, this payment and fees are not the only obligation of the tenant.

Indeed, in addition to the obligation to ensure the “peaceful use” of his accommodation so as not to harm his neighbors, the tenant also has the obligation to maintain their accommodation, as reminded by Decree No. 87-712 of August 26, 1987. And here is the problem in this affair, about which reported La Manche Libre. As of 6 September 2023, the Avranches Local Court found that the accommodation had deteriorated following an irrefutable “lack of maintenance” by the renting couple.

Termination of Lease for Breach

Despite the sufficient income, they remained their own income “no central heating because the boiler broke down, no hot domestic water”, years. It is further stated in the bailiff’s report “very dirty accommodation with dangerous electrical connections, mess of cables in living room, damaged radiators, (…)”. We don’t forget the hole in the kitchen ceiling or the dangerous storage of 20l canisters with fuel…

Based on these various comments, the lease was declared terminated “for breach of lease obligations by tenants”. And once the winter break ended, the expulsion took place, although the couple expected to “benefit from a delay” by the execution judge, according to Le Courrier de la Manche. Two tenants would sleep in their car knowing they had been refused emergency accommodation.

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