Due to inflation, these Christmas favorites will be more expensive this year

As the end of the year holidays approach, many Christmas dishes are not spared from price increases. But besides chocolate-containing products like the famous Christmas log, what other foods consumed during the holidays are affected by an increase in their sales price this year?

Inflation, scourge as Christmas approaches

We have been observing this for several months now, the general increase in prices and services has greatly affected the food and mass distribution sector. Some products are hit harder by this price increase than others, especially because of their base ingredient. The most recent example, chocolate in mid-November, its price rose significantly, leading to a 10.5% increase in the chocolate bar on supermarket shelves. The reason behind it inflation ? L’increase in the price of cocoa and sugar in international markets. An everyday problem, but even more so when the end-of-the-year holidays come around. But foods containing chocolate will not be the only popular item during the Christmas holidays that will be sold for more this year.

This Christmas 2023, other essential New Year’s Eve products will be sold at full price. Three other star products on holiday tables will be affected price increase : THE foie grasTHE Champagne and smoked salmon. In fact, even these latter foods are currently seeing an increase in selling price, albeit by BFMTVthis increase will not be as significant as in 2022.

An explanation of the reasons for the inflation of these products

Like chocolate, rising production costs This also comes into consideration. This factor is important for foie gras, as is the vaccination of ducks, which were heavily affected by bird flu last year. For foie gras, it will therefore be necessary to expect an increase of “about 5%”, depending on BFMTV. Also, be aware that this Christmas dish will be on reduced offer in supermarkets, so don’t hesitate to buy it in advance so that you don’t run out on New Year’s Eve.

Another essential part of the holiday menu will also be hit hard this year: champagne, which will see an increase “slightly above general inflation,” announced David Chatillon, co-chairman of the association. Champagne Committee. Although production costs have also increased, no supply strain is expected.

Finally, when it comes to smoked salmon, it could cost up to 50 cents, or even 1.50 euros more than last year, for a pack of 10 slices, the inter professional association warns. As for it, it is not missing from the supermarket shelves either, although packs of 4 or 6 slices will be rarer than usual. In the question, “Manufacturers are moving more towards large plates of 10, 12 or 16 wafers to achieve economies of scale”explains Pierre Commère, general delegate of the fishing industry at the fairADEPALE (Association of Elaborated Food Products Companies).

It’s up to you whether to consider a different menu this New Year’s Eve, or to limit your cravings if you still want to indulge without missing out on one of the traditional elements of Christmas food.

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